Greetings, Synergist!
Ahh, the weak week after Labor Day…traditional end of Summer, commencement of the school year and gateway to harlequin Autumn. I spent much of the Dog Day Season of damp, despond and desuetude Brooklyn-bound—in (air-conditioned) efforts to enhance our Community.
[Grandsons in Summer; Fulton Mall, Brooklyn, August 2016. Photo by Land Grant.]
NOW, I’m delighted to welcome You and Fall back! “Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness…” (Thank you, Keats!)
Here’s gladsome HCx3DP [our Meetup Community] and Health Maker Lab News-Autumnal. About some of what we’ve recently accomplished to raise our Community’s profile—and create more Synergists to join us.
Health Maker Lab (HML) will be exhibiting at World Maker Faire New York 2016 (WMF)—Saturday, October 1 and Sunday October 2. (No, this isn’t a Meetup per se BUT I want to get this news to you and our Community—so you can consider participating.) We’ll be exhibiting with a village of other Health Makers in the Make: Health “pavilion.”
After all, “Maker” IS the middle name of our new Nonprofit. And, the Maker Movement—Geekdom’s “home” of the eTinker and DigiFabber—is a great reservoir of Healthcare-focused Citizen Scientists…AND their great Health-Making ideas!
WMF runs from 10 AM to 6 PM on both 1 & 2 October, at New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), at the (1939 & 1964) World Fair Grounds, 47-01 111th Street, Corona, Queens, NY 11368. (That’s pub-trans available from the 111th Street Stop on the 7 Train—a four-block walk!) For more, here’s a full FAQ on WMF. (Ticket discounts and accommodations are available: see these FAQs.)
Please plan to come enjoy WMF for its Seventh Annual iteration in New York City. This year, Maker Media, Inc.—the parent of the Maker Faires worldwide (a projected 185 branded Faires in 2016)—estimates 115K attendees will join-in over the two weekend days in NYC. Enjoy 1,000+ Makers, speakers, attractions and 350+ hands-on activities. YOWZA! YES—if you’d like to experience THE submersive mode of Makerdom live—WMF is the interactive playground for you.
HML will have some very interesting Health Maker “objects” on our tabletop and in our booth in the Make: Health “pavilion.” Come look, play and exchange!
Prepare—if you can!—for an intoxicating hybrid of digital country fair, techie carnie/sideshow, science expo on steroids and geek geewhiz-ardry. WMF is award winning and family-friendly—while celebrating technology, digi-fab, 3DP, AI/robotics, drones, maker tools and systems, CNC gear, wearable tech, education, science, arts, crafts, engineering, food, sustainability and more. Get dipped in amazement amok—and thrive to thrill another day!
Synergist—this is THE event for YOU! See you there!!
Organizer, HCx3DP Meetup NY &
Founder, Health Maker Lab, Inc.