“Health Maker Lab”: Healthcare (HC) Institutions, Maker Nurses, Citizen Bio-Scientists & Their Local Neighborhoods To Foster Hyper-Local HC Innovations

We’re advancing our “Health Maker Lab” (HML) subset—of  our HCx3DP (Healthcare Multiplied By 3D Printing) Bio/Med Sci Maker-Movement interests—here in our Healthcare NYC community! This post is a special version of our “HCx3DP Meetup NY” 18 June Event description. (If you’re an NYC3DP  Newsletter Subscriber, we invite you to join-in this rich and exciting Event for FREE. Please request gratis admission via a one-line email directly to me at Land{at}NYC3DP.com.)


HCx3DP MUp NYWelcome to our newly updated “HCx3DP Meetup NY” for June—with the important changes we’re now presenting in this Event’s Meetup-Page HERE .

As you see from our new title, we’ve decided to remake this June Meetup Event focus (AND meeting date!)—and build on our seminal 17 April Meetup topic instead. (We will return to our prior “…Fab(bed!) Food…” subject on a future date TBD.)


Our completely NEW Thursday evening, 18 June, event title and subtitle are now:

Healthcare Innovating Via NYC DIY/DIT “Health Maker Lab”—

Fostering Hyper-Local Synergy & Betterment of Healthcare Institutions, Maker Nurses, Citizen-Scientists & Their Neighborhoods


Our April Meetup—at Maimonides Medical Center in Borough Park, Brooklyn—was entitled “Effective Public Policy in The Age of (HCx3DP) Disruption—Ensuring Local HCx3DP Commerce & Common-Good While Fostering A World-Dominating, Industrial-Segment, Cluster HQ in NYC…”

Land Grant, Founder/Publisher, 3DP Media & Organizer, HCx3DP Meetup New York,  speaking on a NYC Health Business Leaders' panel about Healthcare & 3DP, at Cooley (Cooley Health Practice)  LLP, Manhattan, 17 June 2014..

Land Grant, Founder/Publisher, 3DP Media & Organizer, HCx3DP Meetup New York, speaking on a NYC Health Business Leaders’ panel about Healthcare & 3DP, at Cooley (Cooley Health Practice) LLP, Manhattan, 17 June 2014..

Due to the interests, dynamics and aligned directions of our very-expert—and enthusiastic!—Roundtable participants on 17 April, we adjusted our central focus ad hoc. On the fly—we concentrated on how we might actually DIY/DIT MAKE “Effective Public Policy…” in local healthcare together. The term “MAKE” was—and is—highly appropriate. A group of our HCx3DP Synergists are now intent on creating a new and innovative subset—community bio, med and HC-based—of the burgeoning Maker Movement.

The short-form and working title of our HCx3DP-Synergist member-segment—and prospective, explanatory venue-tag—is “Health Maker Lab” (HML).

To move our nascent HML-focused effort ahead, our Thursday evening, 18 June, Meetup will present a hybrid Roundtable/Workshop format. In this mode, we’ll hope to excite, elicit and capture the ideas, concepts and prospective plans we will create together—interactively—between and among our Experts and (expert!) audience.

Roundtable/Workshop Expert Participants (as of 8 June 2015) include many who worked together on 17 April, plus some new players.  All of these Experts will receive emailed invitations today (8 June). We will show the status of their participation (“Confirmed”) here over the next 10 days:


Andrew O’Shaughnessy, Project Manager, Health Tech, Center for Economic Transformation, New York City Economic Development Corporation;

Jonathan Askin, Technology Law Professor, Founder/Director, Brooklyn Law Incubator & Policy (BLIP) Clinic, Brooklyn Law School. Innovation Catalyst for the Brooklyn Law Center (CUBE) for Urban Business Entrepreneurship;

David Solomonoff, President, New York Chapter, Internet Society (Confirmed);

Kelly Reilly, Director of Nursing Research & Evidence-Based Practice, Maimonides Medical Center; Impresario, World’s First Mini Maker Faire at a Hospital (Confirmed);

Jon Luongo, MS, CCLS, Child Life Specialist, Maimonides Infants & Children’s Hospital (Confirmed);

Matt Lipshultz, Meetup Co-Organizer, Hack Manhattan;

Victor Ty, Registered Nurse , Maker & LEGO Medical Designer: 3D printing LEGO Digital Designs.


C’mon back for further updates…


HCx3DP Meetup NY Organizer


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