One 3D-Printing-Focused Position Presentation And Four Investigatory Roundtables Over A Week—21 Through 27 September—Here In New York City…
If you missed hearing from—and engaging with—our 31 NY3DP experts and thought-leaders in person this last week, we’ll STILL going to guide you to their ideas and present you with the knowledge-building experience of having “been there.”
All this week, we’ll be posting videos of those thought-provoking Roundtable sessions—on this site—as Vlogs.
The first video is already up. That is my presentation at World Maker Faire 2013 in Queens on Saturday, 21 September. I entitled it “Come (3DP) Cluster: How Makers & Other 3D-Printing Players Can Help Create A Re-Industrializing 3DP ‘Ecosystem’ in New York City.”
This video showcases my passionate position on 3DP industrial-segment Clustering here in New York—BOTH City AND State. I presented on the MAKE: 3D Printing Stage at the raucous and wild World Maker Faire 2013—68,000 attendees over two days (that’s up over 50% vis a vis 2012′s crowd).
So, C’mon Back—for more of our NY3DP Summits’ Roundtables—by video!